πŸ’°Checkout via UPI


The Checkout via UPI flow is designed to enhance your customers' checkout experience and minimize dropoffs during the checkout process. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the UPI-based checkout process on chat, highlighting its benefits, user journey, and a flow demo. Additionally, it offers valuable insights on leveraging Checkout via UPI to grow your brand. Let's explore the details below.

Benefits of Checkout via UPI

It enhances the Bot conversion rate by streamlining the payment process, reducing friction, and ensuring a seamless checkout experience. This leads to fewer dropoffs, increased revenue, and improved customer satisfaction.

FeatureShopify CheckoutCheckout via UPI

Fetch saved address from Shopify

Apply Discount codes during checkout

Drop-off Reminder

UPI Payment

Flow Demo

[Coming Soon]

Best Practices

Implementing Checkout via UPI presents exciting opportunities for your brand's growth and customer engagement. Consider the following ideas to leverage this feature effectively:

  1. Incentivize UPI Payments: Encourage customers to choose UPI as their preferred payment method by offering exclusive discounts, cashback, or loyalty rewards. You can increase customer adoption and drive higher conversion rates by incentivizing UPI usage.

  1. Abandoned Cart Checkout: Utilize the Checkout via UPI flow to capture high-intent leads and convert them on the WhatsApp chatbot. When users drop off from the website during checkout, you can retarget them by sending a drop-off reminder to place a COD order.


Can customers apply multiple discounts on a single order?

Currently, customers can only apply one discount per order. The discount codes applicable to your Shopify will also be accepted on the chatbot

How are shipping charges calculated?

Shipping charges are auto-fetched from Shopify. You can disable the auto fetch from Shopify and can configure fixed charges or percentages of shipping charges based on cart value. Different rates may apply for COD and prepaid orders.

Can customers modify their shipping address during checkout?

No, the chatbot collects the shipping address during the initial data collection module. Customers cannot modify the address during the checkout process. Therefore, they need to ensure the accuracy of the provided shipping address.

Is UPI a secure payment method?

Yes, UPI is a secure payment method that utilizes encryption and authentication measures. It ensures safe and reliable transactions for customers, reducing the risk of fraud.

What happens if a customer abandons the checkout process?

In the event of a customer abandoning the checkout process, we implement reminders to nudge them to return and complete their purchase. These reminders help minimize dropoffs and increase the chances of successful transactions.

Can customers cancel their orders after completing the payment through UPI?

Once the payment is successfully processed through UPI, cancellation requests are subject to your brand's cancellation policy. Customers should reach out to your customer support team to initiate the cancellation process.

Last updated