Message Block

This component is usually the end outcome of a flow. Each such component defines a message that is sent to the customers.

For example, if a flow starts with customer placing an order, a message can be sent to him/her post that saying -

Hi {{First_Name}},
Your order number {{Order_ID}} from Wow Skin Science has been confirmed.

Here, the message will be unique for each customer since each the order ID and name will be unique to the customer. This personalisation is achieved via substitutions.

All the fields that can be used for substitution are part of the event which started the flow. The event contains information about the customer like the name, address, products purchased, discount percentage, total price and so on.

How to use Message Block?

  1. Click on Message Block to add a message component.

  2. Click on Edit icon to select the message template.

  3. Select the message template.

  4. Choose substitutions for the variable fields in your message template.

If a substitution that contains a URL has been used, you can do two additional operations on the URL:

  1. Shorten URL

    This helps shorten a URL so that it doesn’t look too long & cumbersome in a WhatsApp message.

    For example, the original URL can be as long as

    However it can be shortened to - for convenience.

  2. Add UTM parameters

    To do so, click on Edit UTMs to add UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters if the template has been substituted with any kind of URL. These parameters help you understand the source of each time a particular URL is clicked.

    For example, it’s possible to land on your brand’s website, say from Google ad, Instagram ad or LimeChat’s WhatsApp message. To know if the customer has landed using LimeChat’s WhatsApp message, one can add UTM parameters like

    Using Google Analytics, or other tools, you can filter out orders based on the advertising channel which helped place the order.

Commonly used substitutions for Shopify Events:

first_nameFirst name of the customer


Order ID that is relevant to the customer


Checkout URL of the cart in case it was abandoned


An order generated by LimeChat that can pre-apply a discount in case a brand wants to give a discount on an order. Useful for abandoned checkout flows where brand wants to incentivise with a discount to convert.


Image of the highest valued product in the cart / order


Details containing the name & quantity of each product in the cart / order


Tracking URL as shared by the delivery partner when an order has been shipped.

Custom Value

A text substitution that you can manually add.

Last updated