Start of a flow: Event Trigger

Flows get triggered only when a certain type of event has happened.

Follow the below steps to select the event on whose occurrence you want the flow to start

The flow will start for all those customers for whom the event would have occurred.

You can tick the checkbox corresponding to - Start the flow right away for past events in case you want to start the flow for past events too.

For example, if you are building a feedback collection flow that collects message after 7 days of a purchase, if you tick the checkbox, the flow will start sending feedback collection messages right away for those customers who purchased 7 days back. And then the next day for those who purchased something 6 days back from now & so on.

On not ticking the checkbox, the flow will start sending messages only after 7 days.

To refine the audience further, you can use filters. Let's cover them in the next section!

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