

At LimeChat, our tagging capability allows you to categorize and manage your conversations and contacts effectively. Tags help you organize, search, and analyze your interactions better, enhancing your customer service experience. We offer three distinct types of tags:

  1. Conversation Tags

  2. Contact Tags

  3. System Tags

1. Conversation Tags:

Conversation tags are labels applied to individual conversations. They help in categorizing and identifying specific interactions based on the context or topic discussed. Our conversation tags are structured in three levels for detailed categorization.


  • Categorization: Organize conversations by topics, issues, or priorities.

  • Searchability: Quickly find conversations related to a specific tag.

  • Analysis: Generate reports and insights based on tagged conversations.

  • Automation: Create automated flows based on the absence/presence of these tags.


  • Level 1: "Support"

    • Level 2: "Technical Support"

      • Level 3: "Software Issues"

2. Contact Tags

Contact tags are user-level labels applied to the entire contact or customer profile rather than individual conversations. These tags help in segmenting your customer base and understanding customer characteristics or behaviors. Our contact tags are also structured in three levels for comprehensive segmentation.


  • Segmentation: Group customers based on common attributes or behaviors.

  • Personalization: Tailor your communication and marketing strategies according to tagged customer segments.

  • Customer Management: Keep track of customer statuses or categories for better management.

  • Automation: Create automated flows based on the absence/presence of these tags.


  • Level 1: "Customer Type"

    • Level 2: "Frequent Buyer"

      • Level 3: "VIP"

3. System Tags

Definition: System tags are automatically generated and applied by our bot. The bot identifies key elements within conversations and applies relevant tags without manual intervention.


  • Automation: Reduce manual tagging efforts with automatic categorization.

  • Efficiency: Ensure consistent tagging across all conversations.

  • Insights: Gain automatic insights into common issues, requests, or customer needs.

  • Automation: Create automated flows based on the absence/presence of these tags.


  • "Payment Issue"

  • "Shipping Delay"

  • "New User"


LimeChat's tagging capability is a powerful tool designed to help you manage and understand your interactions more effectively. By leveraging conversation tags, contact tags, and system tags, you can ensure a streamlined, organized, and insightful customer service experience.

Last updated