
Integrating with Shopflo makes it possible to catch abandoned checkout events from Shopflo checkouts too.

Using these events, you can run non-conversational Abandoned Checkout flows that send customer back to shopflo checkout when they drop-off from the checkout page.

To integrate with Shopflo, follow the below steps -

  1. Reach out to LimeChat team to share the required webhook URL & access token.

  2. Configure these under your shopflo dashboard.

    1. URL - Webhook URL

    2. Header name - authorization (Remember this is case-sensitive, and uses z and not s)

    3. Header value - access token

  1. Enable the webhook configuration toggle & click on save.

Once this is done, you will start receiving events with name checkout_abandoned in LimeChat Marketing platform using which you can trigger Abandoned Checkout flows.

The event would look like this. You can find the checkout URL under the field name - abandoned_checkout_url.

Last updated