COD Confirm / Cancel

  1. This bot flow helps in reducing RTOs for Cash on Delivery orders.

  2. Using this, you can automate the cancellation of an order, when a customer expresses such intent on the chat.

  3. There are two bot flows involved here: COD Confirm & COD Cancel.

    1. COD Confirm: On mapping this bot flow to a button, an order gets tagged with LC_COD_CONFIRM when customer presses the button.

    2. COD Cancel: On mapping this bot flow to a button, an order gets automatically cancelled or gets tagged with LC_COD_CANCEL depending on what configuration is chosen.

  4. This bot flow can only be used with Shopify: Order Created event. Use a filter on customer attributes payment_status is pending to ensure this runs only for Cash on delivery orders. Remember to exclude such orders from the default Order Confirmation flow to ensure customers don't receive two messages.

How the bot flow looks like on customer chat -

To configure COD confirm /cancel bot flow, map it to quick reply buttons like this -

Last updated