Segment-2: Based on what customer did in a event

Segment Definition:

Customers who purchased product 'x' OR 'y' in May 2023.

Let's breakdown this into the different filters:

  1. Filter-1: Who performed the event: Order Created

  2. Filter-2: Number of times the event was performed: Once or more

  3. Filter-3: When the event was performed: In the month of May

  4. Filter-4: Who bought product 'x' OR 'y'

Setting up the first three filters is what we learned in the previous example. This is how we can do it.

Step-1: Setup the first three filters

All customers who did Order Created where total is greater than or equal to 1 in date range May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023.

Step-2: Add product filter

Using the filter icon to the right of the first rule, choose Products

Step-3: Specify the products 'x' and 'y'

Add the Product IDs corresponding to product x and product y.

This will filter all those purchase events where one of the purchased products was in the list of products IDs specified. These are comma separated values.

Give a name to your segment & save it. We are done!

Last updated