πŸ“€GupShup Enterprise

To get WhatsApp message templates approved for Gupshup Enterprise Account -

Login to Gupshup Enterprise Dashboard:https://unify.smsgupshup.com/WhatsApp/Analytics/

Click on ≑ and scroll to Message Templates

Select Message Templates > Create

After clicking on Create Message Template (as shown in previous screenshot), a form will appear (as shown above). The fields to fill are as follows:

  1. Your Account: Fill the password for your account

  2. Name: This is where you give the name to your template. Template names can only contain letters, numbers and underscores

  3. Category: There is a list of pre-defined categories given by WhatsApp. You choose the one which suits best to your template

  4. Template Type: This a drop-down menu. This is used to define what is your template type- Text, Media

  5. Language: This a drop-down menu. This is used to select the language for your template

  6. Header: This is optional. It allows you to add a title/header to the message. You can add 60 upto characters to it.

  7. Body: Enter the text for the message. You can add upto 1024 characters. To add Variable click on + Add Variable

  8. Footer: This is optional. Add an ending message with upto 60 characters.

  9. Buttons: This is optional. Here you describe if you want to put an interactive action to your template. You can select:

    1. None: If no buttons needs to be added

    2. Call to Action: You can create upto 2 Action Buttons

    3. Quick Replies: Create up to 3 Quick Reply buttons that let customers respond to your message or take action.

  10. Add Sample: It is compulsory to provide a sample message. To help WhatsApp understand what kind of message you want to send, you have the option to provide specific content examples for your template. Add sample content in your examples for Variables.

Once the Template is applied, you can create another template or check the template list. Templates can get approved or rejected in 15 minutes- 24 hours.

To check Submitted Templates: Message Templates> List

Last updated