πŸ“ˆFlow Analytics

Analytics of a flow provide basic overview of how the flow has performed since the start of the flow.

To view analytics for a particular flow, Either select the particular flow from the flows section and click on the Analytics tab present in the nav bar

Or Select the Analytics option from the left section and Select the flow to view Analytics for.

  1. Basic Metrics: Read, Sent, Replied

Basic metrics included in the analytics section are

Metric Details

Total messages Sent

Total messages sent represent the total number of users to whom the WhatsApp message was successfully sent

Read Rate

Read rate is the percentage ratio between Total number of user who read the WhatsApp campaign and Total messages Sent. Read Rate = (Total Read/Total Sent)*100

Reply Rate

Reply Rate is the percentage ratio between Total number of users who replied to a WhatsApp campaign and Total Messages sent. Reply Rate = (Total Replied/Total Sent)*100

  1. Conversion rate Conversions represent the total number of unique users that have completed the conversion event. Conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by total number of unique users the flow reached out to, multiplied by 100. For example, for Abandoned Cart Flow - Conversion rate represents the percentage of unique users that have placed an order via the Abandoned Cart Flow (ABC) flow

  1. Customer Replies This section contains the breakdown of replies for a particular flow. For example, for COD verification flow - Customer replies helps you to know what percentage of replies are Positive as well as percentage mix of other different replies. To access Customer Replies, select the flow to see for in the Analytics section and scroll down to check Customer Replies.

Click on view button to access the list of customers who have sent the given reply.

You can also view the exact conversation by clicking on Open URL (will be redirected to LimeChat Helpdesk)

Last updated