Message Templates

WhatsApp message templates allow businesses to use pre-created and pre-approved templates to send structured messages to customers who have opted in to receive notifications. Messages can include appointment reminders, delivery information, issue resolution or payment updates. You can create multiple templates in different categories.

Businesses have to get the message approved by WhatsApp before they are allowed to send it.

WhatsApp allows very rich customisation of the message. One can add variables, files(media/pdf), interactive buttons, emojis, and a lot more things.

Creating a WhatsApp Message Template

  1. Category: Choose which type of template you'd like to create. There are three types of template categories -

    1. Marketing - Used to run promotional campaigns

    2. Utility - For sending important information related to the customer.

    3. Authentication - For sending one-time passwords that help in login.

  2. Name: This is a short code to refer to your template. Enter name of the template in lowercase letters, numbers and underscores only.

  3. Language: Choose which languages your message template will include. You can delete or add more languages in the next step.

  4. Header: (Optional) You can add a text title or choose a type of media you'll use for this header. Whatsapp allows three kinds of media -

    1. Documents (PDF)

    2. Images (PNG, JPEG)

    3. Videos (MP4)

  5. Body: This is the text for your message in the language you've selected. You can edit text formats, add emojis or include variables. These allow a businesses to add unique information such as specific names, locations or tracking numbers when inputting the templates into WhatsApp Business platform.

  6. Footer: (Optional) You can add a short line of text to the bottom of your message template.

  7. Buttons: (Optional) Buttons help customer in taking quick actions without needing to type. From the drop-down menu you can create buttons that let customers respond to your message or take action:

    1. None: If you don't want to add any buttons, select this option.

    2. Call to action: Create up to two buttons that let your customers take action. The types of action include Call phone number and Visit website. This lets you add a phone number or website URL to your message. If you choose Visit website, you can choose from a Static (fixed) website URL or a Dynamic website URL, which creates a personalised link for the customer to view their specific information on your website by adding a variable at the end of the link.

    3. Quick reply: Create up to three buttons that let your customers respond to your message.

Last updated