πŸ’‘Canned Responses

Canned Responses are saved reply templates that can be used to quickly send out a reply to a conversation.

Commonly used sentences such as welcome message, thank-you message, etc. need not be typed by the agents every time. They can make use of canned responses and reply with just one simple click.

Why is it important:​

  • Canned response eliminates repetitive tasks and is a great way to reduce response time, save agents’ efforts, and boost their productivity.

  • These are standardized responses and helps to maintain brand voice and consistency.

How to create canned responses?​

  1. Login to app.limechat.ai. Go to the LimeChat dashboard.

  2. Go to Settings.

  1. Go to Canned Responses

  1. Click on Add Canned Response

  1. Give a Short Code and add the Content

  1. Click on Add to create and save the canned response

How to make use of Canned Responses?​

  1. Navigate to Tickets section on Help Desk

  2. Open the relevant In the conversation reply box, enter / and all the canned responses will get listed. Type one or two letters of the Short Code to narrow down the results

  1. Select the desired Canned Response and click on Send to respond to the customer

Last updated