πŸ”ŽSearch Functionality

The advanced search bar in the tickets section supports searching by contact names, phone numbers, user names, e-mail addresses.

A two-step search process is implemented to simplify ticket searches. The first step allows you to select the type of search you want to perform: messages, contact numbers, or people (contact name, email, Instagram ID). This selection helps narrow down the search scope and refine the results.

Once you have selected the search filter, you can enter the specific query in the second step. The interface will display the chosen filter, ensuring you are aware of the selected search category while entering your search query.

How to Use the Enhanced Search Functionality

  1. Click on the search bar in the tickets section to initiate a search

  1. Select the desired search category: messages, people, e-mail or contacts

The default searching is done within messages, if the user doesn’t select any filter then search is performed in messages first.

  1. Enter your search query, and the system will display results based on your search category

You can also save your search results by clicking on the Save button

Apply additional filters, such as date and inbox type (only applicable for search in messages), to refine your search results if needed.

  1. Once you save the search results, they will be visible in the left panel. Once you are done using them you can remove the search filter by clicking on the cross button

Last updated