Segment-1: Based on who performed an event

Segment Definition:

Customers who purchased twice or more in the last 7 days

Let's breakdown this into the different filters:

  1. Filter-1: Who performed the event: Order Created

  2. Filter-2: Number of times the event was performed: Twice or more

  3. Filter-3: When the event was performed: In the last 7 days

Step-1: Choose the event

Here we will choose Order Created to create our segment.

Step-2: Choose the number of times the event was performed

Here we will choose total greater than equal to 2 , since we want people who purchased twice or more.

Step-3: Choose the time range

Here we will choose since 7 days since we want people who made their purchases in the last week.

At the end, give a name to your segment & then click on Save to save it.

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