πŸ“–Ticket States

Note: Whenever the user sends a message, the bot responds to it first and try providing all the relevant solutions. If the user intents to talk to agent or if BOT feels under confident then the ticket is assigned to agent for better customer experience.



Whenever the user sends a query (message) to your communication channels, the bot responds to it first and try providing all the relevant solutions.


If the bot is unable to understand the users’ intent and handle the query, it falls back. The conversation gets assigned to the agents.


The open conversation can be moved to Resolved state only in two ways:

  1. The agent assures that the query is resolved and the user is satisfied with the solutions.

  2. If there is inactivity on the chat from the user end, the conversation automatically moves to the resolved state after X minutes.


Use the Waiting state if you are waiting for the customer to get back. When the ticket is marked under this state, the assignee of the ticket is not changed. During this period, if the customer replies, the ticket will return to the open state. When this duration ends, tickets will be reassigned to any available agent if the assigned agent is offline.


Use Follow-Up state if you need to investigate customer query further and get back later. During this period, the Follow-up state will remain unaffected with incoming customer’s messages. When this period ends tickets will be assigned to the same agent, even if the agent is offline.

How to check the conversation status?​

In the Conversations panel, you can select the status from the dropdown to see all the conversations in that state. The screenshot shows Open conversations at the moment. (Left side)

How to access a conversation?

Once you have chosen the status of the conversations you wish to view, all related tickets with that status will be displayed in the right panel. Simply click on any of them to access the conversations.

How to change the conversation status?

Use the green drop down available in the middle section to change the status of the conversation.

A ticket/conversation cannot be directly marked under Bot, Outbound or Closed states. Learn about the Lifecycle of a Conversation.

Last updated