Checkout via UPI Setup

1. Adding the Payment Gateway Credentials

To start collecting payment on the Bot, you must provide the payment gateway credentials. To do so, click on the App Payment Gateway Credentials Button and choose the Payment Gateway

We currently support - Razorpay, PayU & Cashfree. In case you have some different Payment Gateway, please raise a request to the product team via your Customer Success Manager

You can click on the below tabs to learn how to fetch the required credentials.

2. Setting up Discounts

There are 4 options given to you in the discount window

  1. Fetch Discount from Shopify - this option enables the Bot to fetch all the active discount codes on your Shopify to be applied on the WA Bot as well

  2. Add Discount Codes - This option allows you to showcase the discount codes to the customers during their checkout process. Let's say you have a campaign running up where you are offering a flat 20% off on all orders, you can enter the discount code in this box and the users will be able to choose that code from a dropdown list and can proceed to checkout.

  3. Offer Discount on Prepaid Payment - This option allows you to incentivize Prepaid transactions, so let's say you want to offer flat 50rs off on prepaid payments you can configure by choosing FIXED and then entering the value.

  4. Offer Discount on UPI Payment - This option allows you to incentivize UPI payments, for example, you can offer a flat 1% off to your customers if they go for UPI Payments.

3. Shipping Charges

You can toggle on the button to enable fetching the shipping charges from your Shopify on the Bot. The shipping charges applicable on your Shopify will also be applicable on the Bot as well

In case you are using a checkout partner like GoKwik, Shopflo, or Zecpe where the shipping charges are configured on their respective dashboards and not on Shopify, you'll need to add the same here as well manually. To do so, you can use Add Button

You'll be asked to choose the mode of Payment - COD or Prepaid

You can choose if you want to offer a fixed charge or variable charge on the cart value. Remember to choose the minimum and maximum cart value

In case you want to offer free shipping, click remember to check the Free Shipping Available box.

Click on Save

4. Banned Delivery Pincodes

Want to restrict certain pin codes for delivery? You can upload a CSV file to do so. Simply download the template, fill in the data, and upload the CSV

5. Banned COD Pincodes

You can disable the COD option entirely during the checkout, or if you want you can restrict certain pin codes for COD. You can do so by uploading a CSV file

6. Bot Responses

This section allows you to modify the Bot responses which trigger during the checkout process. You can personalize it as per your Brand's identity. You can search for a response or simply click on the row

A popup like this will open up, where you can change the Bot message, once you are satisfied, you can click on Save all the Changes.

Push Changes to Bot

Once you are happy with the changes, don't forget to click on Push Changes to Bot. Wait for 2-3 minutes, the changes will be reflected on the Bot

Last updated