Creating WABA using CloudAPI

Step 1) Setting up a Meta developer account and a Meta developer app

The Cloud API and Business Management API are part of Meta’s Graph API, so you need to set up a Meta developer account and a Meta developer app. To set that up:

From the App Dashboard, click on the app you would like to connect to WhatsApp. Scroll down to find the "WhatsApp" product and click Set up.

Next, you will see the option to select an existing Business Manager (if you have one) or, if you would like, the onboarding process can create one automatically for you (you can customize your business later, if needed).

Make a selection and click Continue. This will:

  1. Associate your app with the Business Manager account that you selected earlier (or had created for you).

  2. Generate a WhatsApp Business Account.

  3. Generate a test business phone number and associate it with your WhatsApp Business Account. You can use this number with the API to send an unlimited number of messages to up to 5 recipient phone numbers. Recipient phone numbers can be any valid number, but you must verify each one in the next step.

  4. Redirect you to the WhatsApp > Getting Started (or Setup) panel in the App Dashboard.

STEP 2: Getting Important Information Before Creating Whatsapp Cloud API Inbox

  • For creating a whatsapp cloud API inbox on Limechat dashboard, you need some important informations like

    • System user admin access token

    • WABA phone number

    • WABA phone number id

    • WABA business account id

  • These details can be found inside your Facebook meta app (a developer account is needed)

Please make sure that the app mode is switched to Live mode.

STEP 3: Creating A Whatsapp Cloud API Inbox

  1. Signup and create an account (if not done yet)

  2. As soon as you complete sign up, you will land inside LimeChat dashboard

    Go to the β€œsettings” option and then under β€œinboxes” section select β€œAdd Inbox” option

  1. Select WhatsApp cloud API inbox

  1. Fill in the details required in the form:

    • As soon as you fill the required details (these can be found inside your meta app’s whatsapp config section), you will be told to configure webhook URL and token inside your meta app.

    • This step is important, as all the incoming messages webhooks will start coming to our servers. - This is to be done in Step 4

  2. After this step you will need to select an β€œagent” for this inbox (See below screen shot)

STEP 4: Setting Up Webhooks On Meta’s Whatsapp Application

  • As soon as the signup process on Limechat dashboard is complete, you are provided with two details

    • Webhook URL

    • Webhook token

  • Client needs to fill this details under webhook configuration of Meta’s whatsapp application (See screen shot below)

Last updated