Email Channel

  1. Login to your LimeChat dashboard.

  2. Go to Settings > Inboxes.

  3. Click on Add Inbox.

  1. Select Email as the channel.

  1. Add the Channel Name and the associated Email and click on Next to proceed further

  1. Assign Agents to the inbox using "Add to Inbox" CTA and click on "Finish" to complete the process.

  1. You will then be taken to the final step where you can see the email address generated. Forward all your emails to that particular email address so that it reflects on the LimeChat dashboard.

The next step is to setup forwarding on Gmail, which will make sure that all the emails sent on your email address are captured on LimeChat.

Forwarding email from Gmail.​

  1. Go to your Gmail account which you are connecting to LimeChat dashboard.

    Go to Settings: See all Settings.

  2. Go to Forwarding and POP/IMAP and click the button to Add a forwarding address.

  1. Copy the forwarding address from LimeChat dashboard and paste it in the forwarding email address field and click Next.

  1. It will ask you for confirmation. Click Proceed. A confirmation email will be sent to the email id which you’ve added as the Email channel. It should have a verification link and a code. Click the link to confirm the forwarding.

  1. If the verification link doesn’t work for some reason, use the verification code to complete the forwarding.


Once you’ve verified the forwarding address, you will need to turn on the forwarding from the default Disabled forwarding state. Click on the radio button as shown below and select what happens to the email from the options in the dropdown. If you want to keep a copy of the email in your Gmail inbox, select β€œkeep Gmail’s copy in the inbox”.

Now, click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page. That’s it. Gmail will start forwarding the new emails to your LimeChat inbox.



Q: Can I connect LimeChat to other email providers besides Gmail?

A: Yes, LimeChat can be connected to other email providers as well. The process may vary depending on the email provider. Please refer to their documentation for setting up email forwarding.

Q: What happens when I delete an email from LimeChat? Will it also be deleted from my Gmail account?

A: Deleting an email from LimeChat will not affect the email in your Gmail account. The two inboxes function independently of each other.

Q: Can I set up multiple email inboxes in LimeChat?

A: Yes, you can set up multiple email inboxes in LimeChat. Follow the same steps outlined above for each inbox you want to create.

By following this guide, you can easily connect your Gmail account to LimeChat and manage your emails through the LimeChat dashboard. If you need further assistance or have any questions, feel free to contact our support team. We're here to help!

Last updated